
Safety Committee

Networking with emergency, law enforcement & others for water safety

The Lake Gaston Association (LGA) held the annual Jack Saunders Community Shred Event on Saturday, May 4, 2024. This event provides an opportunity for lake residents to bring documents for commercial shredding at no cost to them. This year, the shred event surpassed the previous record of 93 vehicles with volunteers servicing a total of 117.

Volunteers unloaded boxes and bags of documents from the vehicles and placed them in a shredding bin, where the truck loaded them into the document shredder. This year we filled the shredding truck to capacity by the time the event ended at 1:00 p.m. We thank all the LGA volunteers in making this another successful event.

Next year’s event will once again be held on the first Saturday in May. 

This is a recent Facebook post from the Northampton County Sheriff's Office .   Please understand this can happen anywhere.   Lock your car and don't leave things of value out in the open    Auto theft is a crime of opportunity.   Use common sense and don't be a victim.   If you see something, say something and call 911.

The Northampton Co Sheriffs Office has been responding to an increased amount of vehicle break-ins and several vehicle larcenies in the past few weeks. We encourage our citizens throughout the county to lock and secure your vehicle doors during the daytime and nighttime. We also encourage citizens to report all crimes no matter the type to the Sheriffs Office so those crimes are properly documented and investigated. If you see anyone or anything suspicious in your neighborhoods you are encouraged to report it.

Hurricane-Damaged Vehicles

What You Need to Know

When hurricanes hit, vehicles are often flooded. But what happens to these flood-damaged vehicles? In some cases, the vehicles and vehicle parts start appearing on the market for sale — even hundreds of miles away — which can then be sold to unsuspecting buyers.

Whether you’re a victim of the hurricane or someone hundreds of miles away looking to buy a car, you should be aware of flood-damaged vehicles. 

Scammers looking to make a buck know how to clean up a damaged vehicle. On first appearance, the vehicle may look fine. If the seller is using a fraudulent title, it may be even more difficult to determine whether the vehicle is flood-damaged. However, flood damage can affect a vehicle’s mechanisms for years to come, and may not always manifest as a problem right away. Remember these tips from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles for spotting flood-damaged vehicles when shopping around:

  • Sniff Test: If the car smells musty, there is a high likelihood it has been exposed to water. If it has a strong smell of deodorizer or air freshener, it is possible the seller is trying to mask the smell of mildew.
  • Dirt and Grime: Mud, dirt, or waterlines inside the vehicle are possible signs of flood damage. Don’t forget to check hidden spots for dirt and watermarks, like the trunk, glove box, and under the dashboard.
  • Rust and Corrosion: Check under the vehicle to see if there is an unusual amount of rust or corrosion for the vehicle’s age and location.

For more information, including how to handle hurricane-damaged equipment like car seats and tires, and the first steps in reporting a hurricane-damaged vehicle, visit NHTSA.gov.

The Jack D Saunders Community Shred Event is scheduled for Saturday, May 8, 2021    


Place RWVFD - same place as last year.  At 10:00 AM