News about Lake Gaston, the LGA and more!
Each of the five counties surrounding Lake Gaston has four volunteer Director positions on the LGA Board, plus one at large position for a total of 25 Directors.
We are a volunteer, non-profit, nonpartisan, and nonsectarian organization, unified for greater influence with our federal, state, and local officials and agencies that have management authority on and around Lake Gaston NC & VA.
LGA membership is comprised of both households and businesses on and around Lake Gaston NC & VA; many of whom have permanent homes elsewhere, and own vacation property on the Lake. The Lake Gaston Association actively provides them with a voice in all issues and concerns that could affect their enjoyment of the Lake.
If you are not a member, but own property in the Lake Gaston area, or simply have an interest in preserving the many benefits the Lake provides, consider adding your voice to ours by joining today.
As you will note as you peruse the pages of this web site, the Lake Gaston Association is heavily involved in protecting and preserving our Lake Gaston Community on many fronts. The work involved in educating ourselves, keeping our members informed, and pursuing the resolution of issues is extensive.
With the exception of our part-time Executive Director, all this extensive work is performed by dedicated volunteers. The goal for the makeup of our five standing Committees – Lake Environment, Government Relations, Public Safety, Marketing and Membership, and Lake Clean-Up is to have volunteer members from each of our five counties represented on each of these Committees. In addition, each of our volunteer Directors is expected to serve on at least two of these committees.
Political liaison; ensures that county commissioners and state representatives are kept informed about LGA activities...
To maintain the environmental well being of the lake and surrounding areas in balance with recreational...
The mission of this committee is to organize and carry out an annual spring time lake-wide Lake Gaston Clean Up Day.
Enhance the general public’s knowledge of the Lake Gaston Association by creating more visibility (both physical and in print).
Actively recruit potential directors for the organization from leads provided by directors, meeting attendance reports, and referrals from other sources.
The LGA networks with emergency services, law enforcement, and other organizations regarding land and water safety issues.
Halifax County
Shannon McAllister
Daniel "Scooter" Boham
Northampton County
Anne Wood
Pat Price
Warren County
Brian Goldsworthy - Volunteer & Membership Engagement Chair
Jeff Zimmer
Lewis Mustian - Community & Gov't Relations Co-Chair
Bob Allan - Community & Gov't Relations Co-Chair
Jennifer Allman